Fruit Cookies Image

Fruit Cookies

sugar-                                         1 lb. 9 oz.

nulomoline (invert sugar)-           3 oz.,

soda (baking soda)-                     1/8 oz.


milk powder (powdered milk)-     2 oz.

shortening-                                 14 oz.

mace (nutmeg-derived spice), orange, vanilla


eggs-                                           5 oz.


water-                                          9 oz.

ammonia-                                    1/4 oz.


flour-                                          2 lbs. 7 oz.

chopped nuts-                             5 oz.

chopped cherries-                       10 oz.

chopped pineapple-                     5 oz.

Also See

Original Recipe

Fruit Cookies Recipe
Fruit Cookies
Fruit Cake Image

Fruit Cake

2 #                brown sugar

2 #                shortening

1 oz.            salt

3/4 oz.         allspice

1 oz.            cinnamon

1 1/2 #          honey

2 #                eggs

2 1/2 #          flour

5 #                raisins

8 1/2 #          mixed fruit

2 #                pecans

1 #                almonds

2 #                dates

Bake at 300°

(glaze, if desired)

Also See

Original Recipe

Fruit Cake
Toasted Coconut Marshmallows Imag

Toasted Coconut Marshmallows and Pecan Puffs


  • 3 lbs. macaroon coconut


  • 1 lb. honey
  • 1 lb. glucose


  • 2 lbs. square marshmallows


  1. Spread the macaroon coconut 1/2 in. thick in a flat pan.
  2. Obtain large, deep pan for mixing the syrup around marshmallows.

Step I

Place pan of coconut (A) in oven and toast to a light brown.

Step II

Warm (B) to a thin syrup.

Step III

Take (C) and place in deep pan.  Pour 5 oz.  of syrup over marshmallows.  Mix the marshmallows until sticky with syrup.

Step IV

Roll syrup-covered marshmallows in pan of toasted coconut.

Step V

Store in air tight containers.

Special Comments

  1. Repeat the above process with additional lots of marshmallows to make larger quantities.
  2. The syrup if not entirely used may be stored away for future use.  Reheat before using.

Pecan Puffs

Same as above except marshmallow are rolled in crushed pecans instead of coconut.

Also See

Original Recipe

Toasted Coconut Marshmallows and Pecan Puffs Recipe page 1
1. Toasted Coconut Marshmallows and Pecan Puffs
Toasted Coconut Marshmallows and Pecan Puffs Recipe page 2
2. Toasted Coconut Marshmallows and Pecan Puffs
Rocky Road Image

Rocky Road


  • 3 lbs. French vanilla chocolate


  • 2 lbs. square marshmallows


  • 1 lb.  cut Pecans


  1. Obtain double boiler
  2. Obtain large flat pan
  3. Obtain two medium flat pans
  4. Line the two small pans with wax paper

Step I

Break or shave (A) into small parts and place in double boiler.  Bring water in double boiler to a boil.  Stir chocolate until melted.

Step II

Now chocolate must be cooled to the correct temperature, which is approximately 75° F.  To cool chocolate pour melted chocolate into large pan.  Smear chocolate back and forth with hands preferably in a cool room.

Step III

Just before the chocolate begins to “set” take 2 lbs. of cut marshmallows and mix the marshmallows into the chocolate with both hands.

Step IV

Lift the mixture out on the wax paper covered pans.  Level off with hands.  (Marshmallows are all stuck together.  Do not separate.)

Step V

Place in ice box.  After chocolate hardens, cut around edges of pan and tip out on table.  Strip wax paper off and cut into 2 inch squares.

Special Comments

  1. Pecans maybe sprinkled on batch while chocolate is still soft and before placing in ice box.
  2. If the chocolate show streaks of gray (the chocolate wasn’t cooled enough before mixing marshmallows.
  3. This is strictly a winter-time candy.
  4. Store in a cool place.

Also See

Original Recipe

Rocky Road Recipe page 1
Rocky Road Page 1
Rocky Road Recipe page 2
Rocky Road Page 2
Pecan Glaze

Pecan Glaze’


  • 4 lbs. sugar 
  • 3 1/2 lbs. glucose
  • 1 1/2 pts. water


  • 3 lbs. pecan halves (not salted)
  • 1/4 lb. butter


  • 1 oz. salt


  1. Obtain large copper kettle
  2. Grease marble slab with pure lard
  3. Obtain spatula for spreading
  4. Obtain canvas gloves

Step I

Place ingredients under (A) in copper kettle and mix well,  Cook to 300° F.

Step II

At 300° F. turn flame down low.  Add (B).  Stir constantly for 3 minutes.

Step III

After stirring 3 minutes, take off the fire and add (C).  Mix (C) in well.

Step IV

Pour on greased slab.  Spread as thin as possible with spatula.

Step V

Cut batch in half for easy handling.  Turn the batch over with hands (wearing gloves).  Stretch out as thin as possible with hands.

Step VI

Cut into large pieces with a caramel knife while batch is still hot.  Store in a cool dry place in large can.  Keep can covered.

Special Comments

  1. Pecan Glase’ is a high grade candy can be made weeks in advanced.
  2. Scraps and crumbs maybe crushed and thrown into nut batch at 290° F.
  3. Pecan Glase’ will not spread as easily as peanut brittle.  The pecans must be spread out by force to prevent piling up in the center.

Also See

Original Recipe

1. Pecan Glaze’
2. Pecan Glaze’
Pecan Rolls Image

Pecan Rolls


  • 7 lbs. sugar
  • 6 1/2 lbs. glucose
  • 1 1/2 qts. of 12% cream


  • 2 qts. canned milk


  • 1 lb. butter


  • 2 oz. vanilla
  • 2 oz. salt


  1. Slice divinity (Lesson IX) into strips 5″  by 1 1/2″
  2. Large flat pan.  Spread 5 lbs. of pecan halves in the pan.
  3. Obtain 2 spatula knives and a pair of canvas gloves.

Step I

Place (A) in kettle and mix well.  Bring the mixture to a boil

Step II

After batch comes to a boil add (B) slowly, stirring while pouring.  Then add (C)

Step III

Cook on up to 240° F. (242°).  As batch approaches 240° it will get heavier.  To prevent scorching it must be stirred constantly.  Turn flame down to medium when batch reaches 235° F.  

Step IV

Take off fire at 240° and add (D) mixing in well.  Place the kettle on an open-end can beside table, where pan of pecans is placed.

Step V

To dip divinity use 2 spatula knives.  Dip one spatula knife into the caramel, then place a slice of divinity on the knife that has been dipped.  Place the other knife on top of divinity and dip the two knives (with the divinity in-between into the caramel.  Lift out and scrape the excess caramel off the bottom knife.  Throw the dipped divinity into the pan of pecans.  Then roll the dipped divinity in the pecans with the hands.  To speed process one man may dip and another roll.  Pecan rolls may be sliced as they are sold.

Special Comments

If caramel becomes hard while dipping it may be reheated after adding an additional 1/2 lb. glucose.  Agitation of caramel batch in the dipping combined with particles of divinity tends to turn the caramel into fudge.  The glucose prevents this change.

Also See

Original Recipe

Pecan Rolls Recipe page 1
1. Pecan Rolls
Pecan Rolls Recipe page 2
2. Pecan Rolls