- 1 lb. Crisco (or any shortening)
- 1 lb. butter
- 2 1/4 lb. sugar
No water Preparations
- Grease marble slab
- Obtain 3 lb. French vanilla chocolate or any other good dipping chocolate. Cut into small pieces for melting.
- Crush 1 lb. of roasted almonds.
Step I
Heat (A) in kettle until milted.
Step II
After (A) is melted add (B). Stirring constantly, cook up to 290° F.
Step III
Remove from fire at 290° and pour on greased marble slab. Using spatula, spread out 1/8 in. thick. Before toffee cools mark off in two in. squares with large caramel knife. This will allow breaking into sale-able sized pieces.
Step IV
Melt the 3 lbs. chocolate in a double boiler. Now chocolate must be cooled off to the correct temperature (about 75° F.) To temper (cool) the chocolate pour into a large flat pan and smear the chocolate back and forth until cool.
Step V
After chocolate is tempered (cooled) spread chocolate over toffee with hands. Important: The toffee must be cool before chocolate is spread.
Step VI
Sprinkle crushed roasted almonds on top of the still-soft chocolate and remove to ice box.
Step VII
After the chocolate is hard, turn the toffee over and spread chocolate on the other side of the toffee, using same procedure as above.
Special Comments
- Chocolate on both sides is recommended since the chocolate, being in expensive in comparison to the toffee, adds greatly to the weight of the candy.
- In tempering chocolate never add water.
- The butter in toffee forms air cells, which makes it crunchy as soda does in peanut brittle.
Also See
Original Recipe