
Orange Chiffon Image

Orange Chiffon

Orange Chiffon

2 1/4 cups cake flour

1 1/2 cups sugar

3 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

sift the above into mixing bowl.  Make a well and add in order:

1/2 cup salad oil

5 unbeaten egg yolks

3/4 cup cold water

2 teaspoon vanilla

2 teaspoon grated lemon rind

Beat for 1 minute.  Then measure into another bowl:

1 cup egg whites

1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

Beat 3 to 5 minutes at high speed.  Do not under beat.  Pour egg yolk mixture over whites gradually, gently folding with rubber scraper just until blended.  Pour into ungreased tube pan 10X4 inches.  Bake 325°—55 minutes.

Also See

Original Recipe

Orange Chiffon Recipe (1)
Orange Chiffon (1)
Orange Chiffon Recipe (2)
Orange Chiffon (2)
Orange Cake Image

Orange Cake

1# 2 oz.            butter

2# 2 oz.            shortening

7# 4 oz.            sugar

mix 5 minutes

2#                     ground oranges

mix smooth

5#                      flour

3 1/2 oz.            B.P. (baking powder)

3 oz                   salt

mix to distribute properly

2# 4 oz.            whole eggs

1#                     egg yolks

mix smooth

3# 8 oz.             milk


add in two parts

mix smooth

Also See

Original Recipe

Orange Cake Recipe
Orange Cake
Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies Image

Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies

sugar                          2# 14 oz.

shortening                  1# 4 oz.

eggs                           5

molasses                    1/2 pt.

water                           1/8 pt.

oats                             1# 4oz.

flour                             2# 8oz.

soda (baking soda)     1 oz.

cream of tartar            1/2 oz.


milk powder                 1 oz.

Also See

Original Recipe

Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies Recipe
Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies
Gingerbread Image


12 oz.             sugar

11 oz.             shortening

1/2 oz.            soda (baking soda)

1 oz.               ginger

1/2 oz.            salt

5                     eggs

1 qt.                molasses

1 1/2 pt.          water

1/2 oz.            B.P. (baking powder)

2# 12 oz.        flour

1/2 oz.            cinn (cinnamon)

Also See

Original Recipe

Gingerbread Recipe
Oatmeal Refrigerator Crisps Image

Oatmeal Refrigerator Crisps

B. sugar (brown sugar)—-        1 1/2 lbs.

sugar—-                                      1 3/4 lbs.

shortening—-                              1 3/4 lbs.


eggs—-                                        13 oz.


flour—-                                       1 1/2 lbs.

salt—-                                         2/3 oz.

soda (baking soda)—-                  2/3 oz.


oats—-                                        2 lbs.

nuts—-                                        8 oz.


roll in roll & cool      

Also See

Original Recipe

Oatmeal Refrigerator Crisps
Nut Crunch Image

Nut Crunch

4#            B. sugar (brown sugar)                    1

3 1/2#      shortening                                        14 oz.

1 oz.         salt                

2 oz.         soda (baking soda)                          1/2 oz.

1/4 oz.      maple flavor

1/4 oz.      lemon

1 1/4 pts.  eggs                                                 3 eggs

2 1/2#       macaroon coconut                           10 oz.

1#             nuts                                                  4 oz.

5#             flour                                                  1 lb. 4 oz.

Also See

Original Recipe

Nut Crunch Recipe
Nut Crunch
Oatmeal Cookies Image

Oatmeal Cookies

4 #                 sugar

2 #                 shortening

1 oz.              soda (baking soda)


8                    eggs

1/2 pt.            water

2 #                 raisins

2 #                  oats

3 1/2 #            flour


Also See

Original Recipe

Oatmeal Cookies