White Bread Sponge Image

White Bread Sponge (1/2 bbl.)   (15.5 gal.)

70#   flour

5 gal.   water

2# 12oz.   yeast

8 oz. yeast food

6 oz.   malt

1 1/2 oz.  lard

78° to 80°  dough

7# sugar

2# 4oz.   salt

4#   milk  (??)  (possibly powdered)

3#   lard

6oz.  stay soft

3#   potato flour

20#   water

78° to 80°

8 oz.  stay soft

stay soft  (product used to extend the shelf life and soft and chewy texture)

Also See

Original Recipe

White Bread Sponge
Rye Bread Image

Rye Bread

4 oz.         sugar

2 1/4 oz    salt

4 oz.         milk P. (powdered milk)

4 oz.         shortening

1/4 oz.      malt

1/2 oz.       yeast food

1# 14 oz.   rye flour

5# 12 oz.   clear flour

2 1/2 qts.   water

2 oz.          yeast

                 Colo (?)

                 stay soft

                 9 or 10

Items marked with question marks were unreadable.  If you can help decipher please leave a reply in the comment section below.

stay soft  (product used to extend the shelf life and soft and chewy texture)

Also See

Original Recipe

Rye Bread Recipe
Rye Bread
Banana Nut Bread Image

Banana Nut Bread

Brown Sugar        –         1 lb.

Shortening          –          1 lb.

Bread Flour         –          1 1/2 lbs.

Bananas               –         2 lbs.

Salt                    –           1/2 oz.

Soda (baking soda)  –    1/2 oz.

Cinnamon              –       1/4 oz.

Nuts                    –          1/2 lb.



  • eggs                    –         14 oz.

Top with nuts

Also See

Original Recipes

Banana Nut Bread Recipe
1. Banana Nut Bread
Banana Nut Bread Recipe 2
2. Banana Nut Bread
Cherry-Nut Bread Image

Cherry-Nut Bread

Housewife’s RecipeBaker’s Formula
2 1/4 cupsifted flour2 1/4 lbs.
3 teaspoonsbaking powder2 ozs.
1 teaspoonsalt2/3 oz. 
1/2 teaspoonmace1/6 oz.
1/2 cup  sugar1 lb.
1/2 cup  butter1 lb.
1/2 cup  finely cut candied cherries12 ozs.
1/4 cupfinely cut candied pineapple8 ozs.
1 cupchopped walnuts1 lb.
3/4 cupmilk3/4 qt.
3eggs, separated12
1/4 cupsugar8 ozs.

     Sift flour with baking powder, salt, mace and 1 lb. sugar.  Cut in butter with pastry blender.  Stir in fruit and nuts.  Add milk to well-beaten egg yolks and combine with flour mixture.  Beat egg whites until soft peaks form.  Gradually add 8 ozs. sugar and beat until stiff.  Fold into batter.  Pour into greased 9x5x3″ loaf pans.  Bake in moderate oven, 350° F. for 60 to 65 minutes.  Cool on rack.  Your customers will howl for more.

Also See

Original Recipe

1. Cherry-Nut Bread from Baker’s Weekly 11-19-1956
2. Cherry-Nut Bread from Baker’s Weekly 11-19-1956
Christmas Pudding Image

Christmas Pudding

Housewife’s RecipeBaker’s Formula
1 cupfinely chopped suet1 1/2 lbs.
1/2 cupmolasses1 pt.
1/2 cupbrown sugar12 oz.
3 1/2 cupsflour3 lbs. 6 oz.
1 teaspooncinnamon1/3 oz.
1/2 teaspoonnutmeg1/6 oz.
1/2 teaspooncloves1/6 oz.
2 teaspoonsbaking soda1 1/3 oz.
1 cupsour milk 1 qt.
1lemon, rind and juice4
1 lb.seedless raisins4 lbs.
1/2 lb.figs2 lbs.
1/2 lb.pitted dates2 lbs.
1/2 cupflour8 oz.

     Mix together suet, molasses and brown sugar.  Sift together flour, cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves.  Add baking soda to sour milk.  Add the milk and flour alternately to suet mixture.  Add the rind and juice of lemon.  Chop or grind together raisins, figs and dates.  Mix with 8 oz. flour.  Add fruits to batter.  Pour into well greased pudding molds.  Cover tightly.  Steam 2 1/2 hours on a rack over boiling water.  Cool.  Wrap with aluminum foil and seal.  Freeze.  May be sold frozen and suggest steaming at home for 1 1/4 hours.  To be sold as gifts, wrap in muslin or several thicknesses of cheesecloth.  Tie at the top with string.  Coat with melted paraffin.  Cool. Trim with ribbon and greens.  Puddings wax sealed this way keep indefinitely.

Also See

Original Recipe

1. Christmas Pudding from Baker’s Weekly 11-19-1956
2. Christmas Pudding from Baker’s Weekly 11-19-1956