Filled Bars Image

Filled Bars


  • Sugar…………………………….  12 lbs.
  • Shortening……………..………   6 lbs.
  • Eggs…………………..……………   1 qt.
  • Milk (variable)…………..…….   1 gal.
  • Bicarbonate of soda………..   2 oz.
  • Ammonium bicarbonate…   3 oz.
  • Soft flour.……………………….  22 lbs.
  • Salt…………..………….…………    4 oz.
  • Vanilla flavor………………….    2 oz.

     Put the sugar, shortening, eggs, bicarbonate of soda, vanilla and salt into a bowl and rub to incorporate the ingredients.  Add the milk and ammonia, which has been previously dissolved in a little of the milk, and stir to break up the creamed mass.  Add the flour and mix to a smooth consistency.  Care should be taken not to mix too much as this will cause the mixture to become tough.

     Roll the dough into thin sheets, divide into strips of the required size and then put a ribbon of filling in the middle.  Fold the ends over so as to make a  bar, put on sheet pans, wash with a little milk and bake.  When cool cut into lengths of about 2 inches, or as desired.

Raisin Filling

  • Ground raisins…………..……..  5 1/4 lbs.
  • Granulated sugar……………..  2 1/2 lbs.
  • Invert sugar……………..………  2 1/4 lbs.
  • Corn syrup……………..………..      12 oz.
  • Vanilla flavor…………….……..         1 oz.

Water to make soft paste

     Thoroughly wash and then soak the raisins overnight in water to cover, then drain and grind fine.  Put into the mixer, add sugar, vanilla, corn syrup and invert sugar and mix thoroughly.  Then add the water.  The water in which the raisins have been soaked should be used for this purpose.

     Do not cook the filling, it is cooked sufficiently during the baking process.

Also See

Original Recipe

Filled Bars Recipe
Filled Bars from Baker’s Weekly 11-12-1956
Filled Bars - Raisin Filling
Filled Bars – Raisin Filling from Baker’s Weekly 11-12-1956
Crinkles Image


Housewife’s RecipeBaker’s Formula
2 1/4 cupssifted flour2 1/4 lbs.
1 teaspoonsalt2/3 oz.
2 teaspoonsbaking soda1 1/3 oz.
1 teaspooncinnamon1/3 oz.
1/2 teaspoonground cloves1/6 oz.
1 teaspoonginger1/3 oz.
3/4 cupsoft shortening1 1/4 lbs.
1 cupbrown sugar, packed1 1/2 lbs.
1egg, unbeaten6 1/2 oz.
1/4 cupmolasses8 oz.
granulated sugaras required

     Sift flour, salt, soda, cinnamon, cloves, ginger.  Mix shortening with brown sugar and egg until light and fluffy.  Mix in molasses, then flour mixture.  Refrigerate at least 1 hour.  Start heating oven to 375° F.  Shape dough into one inch balls; dip one side of each into granulated sugar.  Place, with sugar sides up, three inches apart on greased cookie sheet.  Sprinkle each with a few drops of water.  Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until done.

Also See

Original Recipe
